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Site Navigation

Create and manage your site navigation.

Zack Bosquez avatar
Written by Zack Bosquez
Updated over a week ago

Getting Started

You can create or mange your navigation by logging into the content manager, then go to Navigation > Site Navigation from the top menu.

Site Navigation Terminology

Your site navigation is composed of Top Level, or Parent navigation items, and Lower Level, or Children navigation items.

Top Level (Parent) Navigation

Top Level navigation items are immediately visible on your site. Users can mouse over or tap Top Level navigation items to reveal lower level navigation items.

Lower Level (Child) Navigation

Lower Level navigation items are accessible when users mouse over or tap their parent navigation item.

Creating Top Level Site Navigation

To add new Top Level Items, click the Add Top Level Item button. Enter in your navigation name, set the sort order, then enter in the URL of where you want the navigation link to lead, or assign a page. Then click Add New Item.

Creating Lower Level Site Navigation

To create Lower Level navigation items, click on a Top Level navigation item. Enter in your navigation name, set the sort order, then enter in the URL of where you want the navigation link to lead, or assign a page. Then click Add New Item.

Managing Existing Site Navigation

To edit an existing top level or lower level navigation item, select that navigation item by clicking on it, then click the Edit Selected Item button. This will reveal settings for you to edit. From here you can update or delete the navigation item.

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